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“On June 29th, 2020 my life changed forever. While walking into my barbershop for a routine haircut, I was shot 3 times in a drive-by shooting. I still have no clue who shot me, and if I am being honest, I really don’t care. What I can say with complete certainty, was that I was not the target of the altercation.


The night of the shooting I was given a 50/50 shot to make it through the night because of the blood loss. I was told even if I did make it, the odds were high they would need to amputate my leg.  


Upon waking up from just over 7 hours of surgery, I realized my life had changed forever. I reached out to all of my close friends to tell them the good news. Strangely to me, they did not take the situation as well as I did. 


Sitting in that hospital bed, for 10 days, unable to move most of my body, in immense pain, a lot of thoughts raced through my mind.


“Why did this happen to me?” - I asked myself this question a lot the first 72 hours. On day 3 I finally built up the courage to answer that question. I was chosen that night for a reason. Sure, the road to recovery was going to be extremely hard. But I was ready. I knew that day, I was going to use my story to change lives. I went from feeling like the victim of the situation, to the benefactor. 


That same day, I asked my nurse to stop bringing me pain medication. I wanted to feel everything. The physical pain, the dark thoughts, the confusion. 


Over the first few months of rehab, I put my head down and got to work. The second I was cleared for physio I was in there 5 hours a day. Minimum. Every single day of the week. This lasted for about 3 months, until I slowed down to 3-5 hours a day, 5 days a week. 


Looking back on those first few months is strange for me. In a weird way, they were the best months of my life. At the time I was riddled with dark thoughts. I was in physical pain so severe that most couldn't even imagine it. But every single day I woke up with a purpose. And I wouldn't change that for the world. 


This journey inspired me to try and find a way to give back to the amazing group of people who were so instrumental in my personal recovery. Without them, who knows where I would be today.


Creating Hit The Ground Running is the closest I could ever come to repaying those who were there for me in my darkest hours. If we are able to bring the same kind of peace and recovery to others going through trauma, I will know that going through all my own personal struggles was worth it.”


-Brandon Peacock 


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